Saturday, October 3, 2009

love song # 1

unforgettable fruit
promise of
everything under my skin
tip of aorta
base of ventricle
pit of my womb
swimming in my stomach
make me happy.


Maceo Renascido said...

That's a written sigh.
You are a legend, a true living legend.
I love the way you let yourself be seen, the way your feelings overwhelm what we mortals try and put up as walls to protect ourselves or simply to hide.
You're a force of nature when you reach out and 'touch', as we've talked about before. I love this. And you know, I love you too!

© Renatta Laundry said...

Maceo, sometimes you give me too much credit! lol. but you're definitely good for the self-esteem. ((smiles))thanks. always.

i love to reach out & touch and i love you too!

i've missed you around these parts. how are you?